Thursday, December 8, 2011


*last week was pretty much a nightmare around here. Kaden's virus/bronchitis took it's sweet time making it's exit and he was one grumpy kid the entire time!

*both kids ended up with pink-eye. I kind of expected it though after reading some about the Adenovirus. Luckily we had some leftover drops from the time before and all four eyes cleared up pretty quickly.

*last Thursday the kids had a follow up with the Pulmonologist. As far as their lungs go, they've been doing pretty well. He felt that we could cut down the dose of their inhalers and switch to just one time per day. Now, I'm really not sure why, when we are going into the winter season like this, that he would cut them down. But as much as they hate them, we were on board. If their lungs start acting up, we just bump them back up to two doses. He also gave us an albuteral inhaler to use rather than using the nebulizers when needed. This is going to be a HUGE change. We've had to do nebs a couple of times, and it's certainly a little different than when they were 6 months old. They hate it and they can run away and they can fight and they are strong!!  So instead of 10/15 minutes of nebbing, we can just do a couple puffs of an inhaler!! This will be great!

*the kids and I went to Brandon this past weekend because the boys were cutting in our egress windows. I didn't figure this was the best place for us to be with the dust and the cold.

*last Friday night was the worst night the kids have slept since they were born. I'm not sure what happened, but the kids, myself, and my parents, got absolutely NO sleep the entire night. It was bizarre! Needless to say, Saturday was a jammie day and we stayed inside all day long :)

*this week the kids have been soo much better! They are feeling well and have a ton of energy. They have been wild animals lately, and I love it!

*tomorrow is Friday and that is definitely a good thing :)

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