Friday, November 4, 2011

15 months

Today the kids had their 15 month well baby check. Here are their stats:

Weight: 23lbs. 5oz. (30th percentile)
Height:  30 1/2 inches

Weight:  28lbs. 11oz (95th percentile)
Height: 30 1/2 inches

Their developmental milestones are right on track. They look at their communication, gross motor, fine motor, social, and cognitive/problem solving. Their lowest scores were in the area of communication...can you imagine how maddening that is for me given my profession??  I personally am not concerned with anything at this point, but neither one of the kids have much for intelligible words that they use consistently. But they babble to beat the band!  The doctor also said he is not concerned at this point and he is even less concerned because of the fact that they are twins. He said it is very typical for twins to be behind in their speech because most often they have a language all their own, between the two of them. And boy do they ever. These two certainly have their own language.

Both kids also had ear infection today. So another round of antibiotics and we were told to wait on their shots until things cleared up. Not sure which would have been worse today...the shots or ear infection. But it's nice to know that there probably has been a reason as to why they've been so crabby lately and waking so many times during the night :(

Oh yeah, he also said tantrums are very common at this age. Whew, that makes me feel better.

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