Friday, October 21, 2011


I have been on MEA break yesterday and today. As much as I love being home with my kids, it's a crazy show around here!!


*The kids woke up at 5:07am, and nobody really got much more sleep after that.

*I declared today a jammie day

*We've had lots of playing on the floor

*Kenley pulled the toy shelf down on top of her

*Kaden is now walking and he enjoys walking around with a blanket over his head. He has had two bloody lips already today as a result

*Both kids have had their inhalers

*Kaden has double ear infection so he has been given his antibiotic and two doses of ear drops

*I have gone through almost an entire box of kleenex wiping noses...the snot is STILL ridiculous!!

*The fighting between the two kids is sometimes laughable, but it's getting old.

*I've washed our bedding and re-made the bed

*I've washed 3 more loads of clothes (they're not put away yet, I hate that part)

*I've put two baskets of the kids' laundry away

*Kaden has only taken one nap today, Kenley has had two

*The dishes are washed

*I made myself onion rings for a "snack"

*I took the vacuum cleaner apart and washed up the filter

*I watched a Lifetime movie. Ok, well maybe just parts of it. But that's ok, I've probably already seen it 10 times :)

*The house is a whirlwind of toys

*I haven't even showered for the day

*I attempted to watch Dr. Phil

Sounds like a productive day...but it doesn't even feel like I've made a dent in this place.  Oh the joys of parenthood :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/26/2011

    Glad to hear Kaden is walking, he better learn not to walk with his blanket or he might really get hurt. I know how they feel with the nebs now, I had pnuemonia too and they are not fun, make your heart race and you just don't feel like yourself. Do feel better and the pnuemonia is gone but now sinus infection. His tubes must not be working for him, poor baby. May have to follow Alyse and have his tonsils and adenoids out. Know I did and it helped 100%. Hugs and kisses all all. Grandma and Grandpa
