Monday, June 13, 2011

Ear, Nose & Throat

Last time Kaden was seen by his pediatrician, he was referred to the ENT due to chronic ear infections. He's kind of been in a bit of a pattern lately. The last 4 or 5 ear infections have gone like this:
ear infection....
no ear infection...
1-2 weeks....
ear infection....
And repeat...

Aagh!! It's been getting a little annoying. For both us, and for Kaden :(

We met with the ENT who thought he would definitely benefit from having tubes placed.  Hopefully this will be the ticket.  Not only have we been dealing with icky ears, he's also been teething like nobody's business!!  He is one cranky kid and getting him to sleep (naps and bedtime) has been a job, not for the faint of heart :)

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