Thursday, March 31, 2011

8 month schedule

5:30am: mommy gets up for the day
6:05  mommy wakes daddy up
6:15  the kids get up
     *they both get 1/2 prevacid tablet while still in their
     *Cody gets up one baby, gets them dressed, and
       feeds them a bottle....while I finish getting ready
     *I get up the second baby, get them dressed, and
       feed a bottle
     *Kenley gets a nebulizer treatment
     *both kids get their inhaler treatment
7:00  leave the house for daycare
     *Cody washes and refills bottles
7:20  drop the kids off at daycare and head to work

**7:30-3:30 ~ miss my kids like crazy**

3:40  pick the kids up from daycare
4:00  get home from daycare
     *play time
5:00  Cody gets home from work & dinner time for the kids
     *Gerber puffs
     *rice cereal
     *fruit and veggie
     *4oz. formula ~ practicing with sippy cups and then
       finish using a bottle
5:30-6:30  Kenley lays down for an evening nap
         *Kaden play time
         *our time for dinner, dishes, laundry, getting
           things ready for bath/bed time, preparing for
           the next day
7:30 bath time
      *Kenley gets a nebulizer treatment
      *both kids get inhaler treatment
8/8:15  bed time

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