Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am sitting here tonight, the house is dark, everyone asleep, and I can't help but think how BLESSED we are.

I don't think of us as anything extraordinary. We are simple, humble, people who take in every day as a day that was given to us from the Lord. We are thankful for each day and do our best to deal with what each day brings. We've pushed through days that we most certainly would rather do over or wish sometimes they would have never happened at all. But those days are what makes us who we are.

When the kids were sick and in the hospital, we received an outpouring of love from many people. It brings tears to my eyes this very second, thinking of all the love and support that were sent our terms of money, food, diapers, wipes, formula, visits, and most importantly thoughts and prayers.

I wish there was a better way to say........


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

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