Friday, May 21, 2010

Looking Good

Once again, I've been pretty bad about getting any updates on here. Early this week my grandma passed away, so it's kind of been a busy week. We were originally supposed to have our ultrasound/appointments yesterday, but that's when the funeral ended up being scheduled.... but we were lucky enough to be squeezed in today so we were still able to get to see the babies this week.

They were able to finish the echo this time around on our little man.  He still wasn't being very cooperative, but the perinatologist was able to get in there and get what the ultrasound tech was not able to. He was very pleased with everything he saw. He was originally following us due to the fact that we had slightly higher risks of birth defects due to IVF....but everything has looked good up to this point so he feels he won't need to continue to see us unless there other concerns that arise. Our boy appears to not be able to stop moving. He is literally in a different position every time we see him. Now he is laying across the top of my stomach. He also continues to grow like crazy. Now weighing a whopping 3 pounds!!!  That puts him somewhere in the 70th percentile for growth (typically twins are down in the low 30th percentile) so needless to say, they are very pleased with their growth. His heart rate is 138.

Our little girl continues to remain in the same position she started in. She is on my right side with her head down low....VERY LOW.  She is pressing right up against my cervix. Her heart rate is 143 and she is weighing 2 pounds 14 ounces (which places her somewhere in the 60th percentile).

I am currently showing no signs of any preterm labor...thank goodness. I have started to swell in my legs and feet, but my blood pressure looks good, so no worries there...just an annoyance I guess. My uterus is measuring at 39 weeks, so this would be as big as I would get...I don't think that's going to be the case here :)

I did get a couple more ultrasound 3D ones again this time, so none of them are really that great. We are in Brandon for the weekend, but I will try and get some posted when I get back home and get them scanned into the computer.

I will also get some pictuers posted of our progress on the babies bedroom. We have the room painted, and I think it turned out really great!

I have another quick appointment in 2 weeks and we do our next ultround in 4 weeks.


  1. I've been checking in today to see the update. Glad to hear everything is going great. Can't wait to see the baby pictures and the pictures of the room. Will we see more belly pictures??
    Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
    As usual take care of yourself and those babies. I'm sure Cody is his doing his job...taking care of the three of you. Keep an eye on the swelling/blood pressure.

  2. Anonymous5/21/2010

    Oh thank God again, I have been so anxious to see them again, but will have to wait I guess. I am just so glad all is going well and there is no preterm stuff going on. Rest for the weekend and school will be out soon so you can rest more, but don't forget to walk a lot, Grandmas advice. Love you all Grandma and Grandpa

  3. Anonymous5/23/2010

    Glad to hear that all is well,Molly the surgical nurse has been keeping tabs on you as they are also having trouble getting pregnant, they are also thinking IVF.She asks often about the babies.I have showed her the pictures of them. Take care and DON'T over do it love ya both gary char keyane
