Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010...marvelous multiples

Things are continuing to go very well for us. I wish I could come up with something to get on here and write about, but it just seems like our life is not that interesting right now! We did go to a class yesterday afternoon at Sanford called "Marvelous Multiples." I think we both took a lot out of it. We were only with two other couples who are also expecting twins, but we also got to meet with some others who were parents of multiples, hear their stories, and get their "advice." We took a tour of the birth place and also were able to walk through the, what an experience. It was kind of a shock to all of us. The nurse gave us the statistics that approximately 60% of women expecting twins will go into preterm labor, anything before 37 weeks. Any babies born preterm will go into the NICU. She also shared that, even if we go to full term (for twins), only about 20% of twins will go to the regular newborn nursery...the rest of them go to NICU. Again, a shock to us. So, we got the tour and a folder of information in hopes to prepare ourselves for what is most likely to happen. Although, we like to think positively and know nothing is 100%, so we will pray that everything continues to stay great and we are the ones taking our babies home with us!

I am absolutely amazed to think that in about a week, I will be halfway through my pregnancy!! It just doesn't seem possible. With that said....I told Cody, we must be kicking it into high gear around this house and getting things organized and ready for two new babies. I am still waiting patiently, very patiently, for these two kiddos to start making their presence known. I am sure I will regret this one day, but I cannot wait to start feeling them!! It should be any day now.

By the way, I am getting pretty close to becoming a first time aunt. My sister is due in about 4 weeks......and let me tell you, she is BEYOND ready to be done. She is miserable and ready for that baby to come out. She's a little nervous about the whole thing, but I am sooo stinkin' excited to have her here I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!!!  Come soon baby Krohn!!


  1. Glad to see you're trying to get as much info as you can about what to expect. Unfortunately what you actually get isn't always in the books and/or shared by others. Everyone and everything is unique which is a good thing. I'm sure it was a little scary touring the NICU and hearing the stories and seeing what you may have seen there but it's the right place to be with caring and experience people. They will take good care of those little ones if necessary. We will, however, hope and pray that they will be able to come home with you when the time comes. 1/2 way through is soooo exciting. I can't wait to hear/read the excitement when you finally get to feel the kicks and movements. It is a VERY awesome feeling. I LOVED it, day or night. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have two kicking and moving around. Take care and keep us posted.

  2. Anonymous3/09/2010

    AH so excited for you, It's exciting that you got to check out the area you will be spending your time in in just a short 20 weeks. Half way through it doesn't seem that long. And I can't wait for you to be able to feel them and know they really are there. It's such a great feeling!
    Love ya Dareth

  3. Hey! Just found your blog. LOVE it AND congrats! What an exciting journey you are on! Can't wait to follow! Blessings!

