Wednesday, March 31, 2010

21 weeks

So here I am at 21 weeks, pregnant with twins. I never, EVER, thought I would be sharing my pictures for the world to see. But it seems like the further along I get, and the bigger I get, it is becoming more important to me that I document some of these life changing moments. And because I'm documenting them...I guess that means you all get to see too :)

I have felt like these last 5 days or so, I have just ballooned out and have felt very uncomfortable. Yuck. I have also been starting to notice some AWFUL pubic bone pain. Any activity that involves me lifting one leg at a time or parting my legs, lifting my leg to put on clothes, getting out of a car, bending over, sitting down or getting up, walking up stairs, standing on one leg, and walking in general tend to be very painful. Oh yeah, and turning over in bed is especially excruciating.

I also had my first "pregnancy leg cramp" last be exact it was about 4:24am. I woke up screaming and it left me completely paralyzed. I have been noticing some mild cramping in my legs the last couple of weeks so I warned Cody and gave him specific instructions as to how to help me through a severe cramp. I was rolling over in bed when it hit me...and that's when I couldn't move. Cody took it like a champ. He woke up from a deep sleep, ripped off the covers, and was down at my foot to help me stretch within .5 seconds. What a guy!!

I am really looking forward to a few days off...5 if anyone is counting. Of course there are a million things that could be done around the house, but I am hoping for some time to just relax too. As I'm just finishing up, I can feel the babies moving around like crazy. I think I forgot to mention in my last post that I have now discovered their movements. It's still pretty faint, but I definitely know it is them, and I am definitely excited!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

new addition to the family

For those of you who don't know yet, I was blessed with a niece on Saturday, March 27th at 1:07pm. My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Khloe Ann Krohn, weighing in at 9lbs. 8oz!


Mom, dad, and baby have settled in back at home and are all doing well.

Welcome Little Miss

I must admit, Des Moines has now become WAYYYY too far away. I am addicted to this little girl and absolutely cannot wait to go back and see her.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I honestly can't tell you how lucky we feel to be able to get to watch our babies grow and check in on them every month...what a great feeling. They're getting so big!! Our ultrasound today lasted about 90 minutes. Yikes! That's kind of a long time to have someone pressing on your belly...but I must admit, we I kind of liked it. They finished the remaining anatomy measurements, but they didn't even do the echocardiogram today. We visited with the Perinatologist for a while and he thought everything looked great!  Always good news to hear. Some updates:

*we still are carrying a boy and a girl, definitely confirmed today :)

*baby A (girl) is weighing in at 13 ounces with overall development in the 54th percentile

*baby B (boy) is also weighing in at 13 ounces and in the 57th percentile of development

*i am currently 20 weeks and 1 day, and both babies are measuring at 20 weeks and 5 days

*my uterus is measuring as a 29 week singleton pregnancy

*baby boy gave us a big yawn today....he must have been feeling a little bored today like his daddy

Here are a few pictures:

*baby girl profile

*baby boy profile

*boy parts!!

*3D pic of baby boy (face looking straight up at us)

*3D pic of baby girl...don't you just love her beautiful smile!?!

Kind of an amazing day huh?

Oh, by the way....I'm still waiting to start feeling some movement. It amazes me to see how active they are and to think I can't feel that. It's gotta be any day now :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

a day for organizing

Seriously, some days I look around our house and wonder....where in the world are we going to put everything to bring two new babies home here???  And then I start to panic a little bit. So Saturday was a day dedicated to just that...making more room. I started in the kitchen. I emptied out all of our kitchen cabinets onto the dining room floor. We then put contact paper down on all of the shelves and in the drawers (thanks mom and dad!) and then found new homes for everything, making sure we had empty spaces for all of the babies needs. We don't have a lot of cabinet space, so everything just had to be rearranged to make it a little more functional for us. This ended up being an all day project, but I sure am glad it's done!!

**We actually ran out of contact paper, so a couple of the bottom shelves are not re-stocked, but it's close enough to being finished that I feel comfortable calling it "done" :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

half way point

Holy Crap....where did this time go???  I am 19 weeks today, and because my doctor won't let me go past 38 weeks, that makes us at the half way point. Yikes!! I know that it's been the easier half, but it literally feels like yesterday that we were given our exciting news. Things are continuing to go well for all of us. Besides currently batting a yucky sinus infection, I have been very healthy. We go in again for our next ultrasound next Thursday the 25th.  I can't wait! Unfortunately I am STILL waiting to feel something, anything!! I am starting to get a little impatient because I know how active the two of them are in there, I just wish I could feel it!

Cody has been very busy the last few days with all of this melting snow. The lift station pumps have not been able to keep up, so he has been trying to deal with that. Once he gets home from work, he heads out every couple of hours, including setting his alarm clock throughout the night to get up every 2-3 hours to check on it. With me being sick, and him coming and going all night, we are certainly not getting the sleep we need. I feel like this may be God's little way of preparing us for what's ahead :)

P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010...marvelous multiples

Things are continuing to go very well for us. I wish I could come up with something to get on here and write about, but it just seems like our life is not that interesting right now! We did go to a class yesterday afternoon at Sanford called "Marvelous Multiples." I think we both took a lot out of it. We were only with two other couples who are also expecting twins, but we also got to meet with some others who were parents of multiples, hear their stories, and get their "advice." We took a tour of the birth place and also were able to walk through the, what an experience. It was kind of a shock to all of us. The nurse gave us the statistics that approximately 60% of women expecting twins will go into preterm labor, anything before 37 weeks. Any babies born preterm will go into the NICU. She also shared that, even if we go to full term (for twins), only about 20% of twins will go to the regular newborn nursery...the rest of them go to NICU. Again, a shock to us. So, we got the tour and a folder of information in hopes to prepare ourselves for what is most likely to happen. Although, we like to think positively and know nothing is 100%, so we will pray that everything continues to stay great and we are the ones taking our babies home with us!

I am absolutely amazed to think that in about a week, I will be halfway through my pregnancy!! It just doesn't seem possible. With that said....I told Cody, we must be kicking it into high gear around this house and getting things organized and ready for two new babies. I am still waiting patiently, very patiently, for these two kiddos to start making their presence known. I am sure I will regret this one day, but I cannot wait to start feeling them!! It should be any day now.

By the way, I am getting pretty close to becoming a first time aunt. My sister is due in about 4 weeks......and let me tell you, she is BEYOND ready to be done. She is miserable and ready for that baby to come out. She's a little nervous about the whole thing, but I am sooo stinkin' excited to have her here I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!!!  Come soon baby Krohn!!