Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010...second trimester

I know, I know, I have been horrible about blogging lately. But honestly, there is really nothing new to share. This is the last week of my first trimester. It's amazing to think that tomorrow I will already be starting on the second...where has the time gone??  A little update to my most popular question "how are you feeling?" Initially it was awful. I was sick all the time with an overall feeling of nauseousness ALL THE TIME. I am glad that constant feeling has subsided, however I continue to be sick often. It's completely random though and I haven't really been able to link it to anything. Completely out of the blue I will be running to the bathroom to hug the toilet. Cody usually responds with "seriously? what just happened there?" I have been lucky though, and haven't had any spells during the day while at work. It usually happens in the morning or at night, while i'm able to be in the comfort of my own home.

Our next appointment will be February 24th. I can't believe how excited we are to be able to see them again. It feels like this has been such a long wait. I will be 16 weeks, and our doctor told us there MIGHT be a possibility we could find out the sex at this appointment. We absolutely cannot wait to find that out and are hoping they cooperate. If we don't find out this time around, it most likely will be the next one. We are excited to get rolling on the babies room and will feel much more organized once we know the sex!


  1. EXCITING!!!! Can't wait to hear the update and see the new pics. I've been sharing them with EVERYONE. I had to show them to the Ultrasound Tech that comes to the hospital and she was excited too. I think that sometime we need to 'take a look' at those babies in Slayton. I do have connections. Let me know.

  2. Anonymous2/11/2010

    I forgive you for not blogging lately! but only because we don't have to look at "GAME OVER" as soon as we log in...! LOVE YOU BOTH I'm so glad that you're more comfortable (less nausiousness) lately, I hope it only gets better! -Love Alyse & Dareth

  3. Kristal Krohn2/12/2010

    Oh I just cannot wait to find out what sex these babies are...I've got so much shopping to do!!! Congratulations on your 1st trimester being complete, what an accomplishment! 2 more to go! See you soon!

  4. OK so I must have missed something...how do I see pictures on this site? I haven't seen any of them and feeling a little slighted. Very exciting to think that you are 1/3 of the way there. You are right, where did the time go. I have been feeling fine the whole time so it has gone by extemely fast (hee! hee!) Glad to hear you are feeling better than earlier on. Totally enjoy reading all the updates and waiting patiently (ok anxiously) for the update on their gender.

  5. Sue,
    I don't know what the deal is with being able to see the pictures. I know, for me, it depends which computer I use. When I am at home, I can see all the pictures, but when I am at my work computer I don't see any of them. Why? I have NO IDEA!!

  6. Super excited to hear the results of your appointment on Wednesday.
