Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, our babies

I honestly could do this every day. Our appointment went great this morning. Of course I had all the irrational fears...they wouldn't be able to find a heartbeat, one of them wouldn't be growing right, or Cody's favorite, what if they don't even see the babies AT ALL???  My fears were calmed when the screen was turned into our view. There they were. In my opinion, beautiful! But you can decide that for yourself. Really though, the ultrasound pictures do absolutely no justice to what we get to see live on the screen.

Here is baby A. I think this one looks a little "blob-ish" in this photo, with the head being on the right side.

Here is baby B. This one looks a little more "baby-ish." I know they are hard to see in these photos, but the head is at the top, so then you can see the arms and the legs as you move down. This little one was pretty active today. We actually got to see it "dancing" around. It was moving all over the place with the little legs just kicking away. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Here are the two together!!
Both babies are measuring at 10 weeks. They are exactly the same size...which means baby A has already caught up from two and a half weeks ago when it was measuring smaller. The hope is that they continue to grow pretty close to each other. They both have their own sac, so they won't be needing to share any nutrients (which is a huge positive) and also means they are fraternal twins. We got to hear the heart beats today rather than just see the little flutter on the screen. Both of their rates were a little high today, but nobody thought we should be too concerned about that now. I was shocked at how much they have already changed since our last ultrasound. It's awesome to see them start looking more like babies. We are going to continue doctoring in Sioux Falls and my next appointment has been set up for January 21st. This appointment will be with the OB, so we are now done with everyone at Dr. Hansen's office....for a while anyway.


  1. Anonymous1/11/2010

    Oh my little nieces/nephews are so precious! Can you believe those little "blogs" turn into little people...amazing isn't it?!? Congrats again and again, I can't wait to find out if they are boys or girls...or maybe one of each!!!

    Love, Auntie Kristal (Uncle Josh & Cousin Guinness too)

  2. Dylan Nelson1/11/2010

    Congrats they are looking like they are going to be a heathy two kids. Hope everything goes swell. We will see you soon. And we'll kepp you guys in our prayers.

    From Dylan

  3. Anonymous1/11/2010


    I could go on and on!! WOW!! This is so amazing, I will never forget our ultrasounds the first time we met our litte one! There really are not any words to describe the feelings and emotions you have at that very moment :) We are very excited for the four of you and cannot wait for more updates and pictures. Love you guys tons and we are super excited to share this special time with you.

    Jason Heidi and Jacoby

  4. Oh that is so neat to be able to see them grow or even see them at all. Modern technology is so great and you are so GREAT about sharing with all of us. I can not wait to get to meet them in person, it will be so much fun. A little work to begin with but we will all be a phone call away if you need help. I am not to busy haha. Take care of those little people and yourself. Love you all and lots of prayers. Grandma and Grandpa

  5. Linda and Dale1/11/2010

    EXCITING!!!!! Glad to hear all your fears were put to rest. It's amazing how watching a little monitor can put you at ease. Thanks for sharing the pictures and updates. Hope you keep them coming as often as possible. As everyone else has already mentioned, I can't wait to see them in real life and hold them. Take care of yourself and those two precious gifts from God. Yes Cody, that includes you too.
    Love and Prayers are with the four of you!!!

  6. Anonymous1/12/2010

    I think they are some of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen! Marcus and I cannot express all the happiness we feel for you guys and are so grateful we get to be a part of it. I don't think I can say Congrats enough! Love you guys!!

    Marcus and Jo

  7. Anonymous1/12/2010

    oh my god that is so cool i'm so excited for you guys. and yes of course they are beautiful but wait you my not think so when they are screaming cause they are hungry.just kidding they will always be precious and beautiful holli take care of yourself and cody wait on her when she isn't feeling well (holli play that for all it is worth) Love ya and hope to see more of the little finkes :) :) gary char keyane
