Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, over!!

That's it, we're done. We did our last injection tonight...halleluiah!!!  Leftover medicine has been thrown. Leftover syringes disposed of. Sharps containers sealed up. D.O.N.E.  You may not understand the excitement on our end, but just the thought of my butt finally having the opportunity to heal...the lumps dissolving, the hives disappearing, the bruises fading, and the tenderness improving...yep, there are no words.

I must give huge props to my husband. My job was to freeze the skin enough to help ease the pain of the needle, his job was to avoid previous "hits" to help ease the immense burning sensation of the oil. Although he wasn't always 100%, he did a darn good job. Have I mentioned how much I love him?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010...first appointment

Just a quick update to let you know things are going well. We had our first appointment today with the OB.  A very long visit and unfortunately uneventful. We did get to hear the heartbeats again today, and they both have gone down from the last time, so that was good to hear. I won't have another appointment until I am 16 weeks. This will be the longest stretch we go before seeing the doctor again. After that point it sounds like I will be there every 2 weeks, with ultrasounds at every visit. I have really started feeling a lot better the last week or two. I have not been feeling or getting sick nearly as much, so other than my pants getting too tight I really don't feel pregnant very often anymore.  I don't think Cody has gotten used to the fact that sometimes out of the blue I just need to lay down and will actually end up sleeping for an hour. It was good for him today to hear the doctor say that it's normal for me to be tired, a new kind of tired, and will most likely feel that the entire pregnancy.  Another great piece of news for us (more for me though I think) is that we will be done with my progesterone shots in 8 DAYS!!!!  These last few days have been horrible, I think just because I can see the end in sight and I'm just done...I don't want to do them anymore! 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17, 2010...Game Day....Go Vikes!!!

repeat after me:

Our Favre-ther who art in Mississippi hallowed be thy name. Thy bowl will come, it will be won, In Miami as it is in the Dome. Give us this Sunday, Our weekly win. Give us touchdown passes, but do not let others pass against us. Lead us not into frustration, but deliver us to the Super Bowl. For thine is the MVP, the best of the NFC, and the glory of the Purple People Eaters now and forever.    AMEN

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, our babies

I honestly could do this every day. Our appointment went great this morning. Of course I had all the irrational fears...they wouldn't be able to find a heartbeat, one of them wouldn't be growing right, or Cody's favorite, what if they don't even see the babies AT ALL???  My fears were calmed when the screen was turned into our view. There they were. In my opinion, beautiful! But you can decide that for yourself. Really though, the ultrasound pictures do absolutely no justice to what we get to see live on the screen.

Here is baby A. I think this one looks a little "blob-ish" in this photo, with the head being on the right side.

Here is baby B. This one looks a little more "baby-ish." I know they are hard to see in these photos, but the head is at the top, so then you can see the arms and the legs as you move down. This little one was pretty active today. We actually got to see it "dancing" around. It was moving all over the place with the little legs just kicking away. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Here are the two together!!
Both babies are measuring at 10 weeks. They are exactly the same size...which means baby A has already caught up from two and a half weeks ago when it was measuring smaller. The hope is that they continue to grow pretty close to each other. They both have their own sac, so they won't be needing to share any nutrients (which is a huge positive) and also means they are fraternal twins. We got to hear the heart beats today rather than just see the little flutter on the screen. Both of their rates were a little high today, but nobody thought we should be too concerned about that now. I was shocked at how much they have already changed since our last ultrasound. It's awesome to see them start looking more like babies. We are going to continue doctoring in Sioux Falls and my next appointment has been set up for January 21st. This appointment will be with the OB, so we are now done with everyone at Dr. Hansen's office....for a while anyway.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010...Snowed In felt a little different writing 2010 in the heading!! We hope everyone had a fantastic New Year. We spent our weekend out in the Hills snowmobiling with friends. Well, actually Cody was able to snowmobile but I felt it wasn't necessary to risk anything, so I stayed back in the room. But because I am still in need of a shot every night, I tagged along.

I was supposed to have another ultrasound today but obviously the weather didn't allow for that. I am planning on getting in on Monday. I was really looking forward to seeing those little heart beats again....there was nothing like that feeling the first time we saw them, and if I could, I would want to see them everyday. I am still feeling very pregnant...which is a good thing I suppose. Pretty nauseous all the time and I find myself frequently having to run to the nearest bathroom and hug the toilet for a bit. I will try and get the ultrasound pictures posted once we get another set on Monday.....You are going to love them, they are soo beautiful!!!!!