Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009...IVF Here We Come!

I have finally gotten my many phone calls made and everything seems to be figured this point anyway. I wanted to make sure we had everything taken care of through ARC and the bank before making an appointment with the doctor. We have our first appointment on Tuesday afternoon. This will just be to discuss the procedures and how everything will lay out. We are nervous, but anxiously looking forward to it. I think the anticipation is worse than the process (I might be changing my mind on that statement in a few weeks). But we are hoping for the best. I am sure I will be filled with knowledge after our appointment on Tuesday :)


  1. Dale and Linda9/24/2009

    As always we are hoping for the best too. Also looking forward to the knowledge being passed on. We will keep praying and look forward to the posts.

  2. Anonymous9/27/2009

    GOOD LUCK! hope it turns out to be a happy ending! LOTS OF LOVE
    *~*~Dareth & Alyse~*~*

    p.s. hope you two can make it to Alyse's birthday party!

  3. Anonymous9/27/2009

    We will be thinking of you two, think positive and your hopes and dreams will come true. We as always are thoughts and prayers are with you always. luv ya gary char keyane
