Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27, 2009...Two!?!

The past few days have been amazing. Although the weather wasn't always on our side, we still mananged to fit in Christmas with all of our family. Tons of great food and lots of fun!

I am pretty sure we received the best Christmas present EVER this year. We went in for our first ultrasound on December 23rd and we found out that we are expecting TWINS!!!!  There are absolutely no words to describe the emotions we experienced when the ultrasound tech showed us the monitored and said "here is one baby...and the heartbeat. And here is the SECOND baby...and it's heartbeat."  We were both blown away!  How awesome it was to be able to see two heartbeats. Just like the news we received when we found out we were pregnant, I thought this too would take a little while to sink in.....but I was wrong!!  With the way I have been feeling the last couple of days, it's definately hit me like a ton of bricks. Christmas day was probably the turning point for me. Up until that point I felt pretty good. Only about a week of morning sickness, just in the morning, but other than that I really felt great. Now, I am finally feeling pregnant...really pregnant. Which, is exactly the way I've been praying to feel for the past three years, so I still don't feel like I can complain much. Although Cody might disagree with me on the complaining part! We are continuing with my daily progesterone shot...only 5 more weeks!! What a great day that will be when we can stop those horrible things. Our next ultrasound is scheduled for January 7th, just to make sure things continue to look good and at that point my doctor will probably turn us over to the regular OB. We have been blessed with such an amazing staff at the fertility clinic, it will be hard to leave them.

This December was filled with nothing but blessings for us. There are times where we start to panic a little about the future and how we will manage, but we have faith that the Lord will guide us through just as he always has.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009...yahooo!!!!

Well, we pulled out another victory today!! Cody's scans looked clear and everyting normal. His bloodwork still looked a little goofy this time showing too much iron in his blood. The dr.'s recommendation was to check his daily multi-vitamin and if there is extra iron in them he needs to stop taking them. So he will stop that and hope that helps for next time around. Same routine scheduled again for 6 months down the road. What an amazing month we have had!!! Thank-You from the bottom of our hearts for the love and support you have all shown.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009...a little more excitement

Ok, maybe I wouldn't go as far as calling it excitement. We have the dreadful 6 month oncology appointments again on Thursday the 17th. Cody's scan is scheduled for 9:45 and we see the doctor at 2:30. We are really praying that things continue to go well for us and we get another round of good news.

I received some good advice from a daily devotional that I get through my email and I'm really trying to put this to work as I tend to get BEYOND anxious about these appointments...When we face a problem or a hardship we have two choices: focus on the problem or fix our eyes on God. If we opt for the first, the problem seems to grow bigger. If we look to God, we will see God's presence and goodness -- and this opens doors to discover a solution. Despair and disappointment can become opportunities to move closer to God and feel God's power.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009...Hot Diggity Dog!!

I thought this video summed up pretty well how Cody and I felt after hearing our good news on Friday....we love this stuff!!!

It still doesn't feel like reality quite yet. I often forget, but I do still get that same giddy feeling everytime it surfaces. I even had to take a home pregnancy test last night. For what reason? I have no idea, but it was definitely necessary last night. We have a due date of August 11, 2010!!! seems so far away, but it will be here before we know it. To think we will have a new bundle of joy here for Christmas next year doesn't quite seem possible.

"Obstacles are put in our way to see if what we want is worth fighting for."

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009....The Results Are In.......


I honestly don't think there are enough words that would adequately express our shock and excitement!! We are going to have a baby.....FINALLY!!! We had our appointment yesterday, with a urine and blood test, and I think we were both completely stunned. We had really talked ourselves into this not working and were focusing more on, where do we go from here? We had a very excited staff right along with us, as we all shed a few tears. I have to go back in on Monday for more blood work, just to make sure my hCG levels are continuing to go up. At that time they will give me my due date. So you will have to stay tuned for more results on Monday.

Obviously I am VERY early into my pregnancy, and if we were doing this the "normal" way, we wouldn't be sharing our news so soon. However, we know that you all have become an intrical part of our lives and have given us so much in the way of your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging words. At the beginning of all of this I was hesitant to open up about our very emotional roller coaster we were about to embark on. But as I told Cody yesterday, we needed everyone's support, we needed everyone's prayers, and there would have been no way that we could have done this on our own....and so I may have given up a lot of privacy, but I would never change that for the world. We have seen the power of prayer more than once in our lives and God has blessed us once again!!